Some effects of over-breathing.

The big picture from the Symmetry newsletter - LV’s Midweek Memo:

🤓Nerd Moment: over breathing (don’t make it a habit!)

Why not?

Over breathing (often due to mouth breathing as your mode of everyday breathing) can

cause a host of issues including…

  • Making your body work harder even at rest (and especially during athletic endeavors).

  • Chronic stress (See last week’s email regarding chronic stress, or hit reply and we can talk about why stress in and of itself isn’t bad, but chronic stress can be!)

  • Poor sleep quality.

Keep reading to dig deeper! (A less than 1 minute read.)

What is over-breathing?

  • When you’re breathing in excess of your metabolic output… i.e. if you’re breathing either faster or with more volume than your body is demanding of you.

Ok so what?

  • When we over-breathe we are dropping the levels of Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

    • But we need CO2 available in order to allow the Oxygen (O2) to get into the tissues (including brain + muscles).

  • Without enough CO2, the body has to work harder to get O2 where it needs it, which means things like:

    • Increased heart rate

    • Quicker fatigue during exercise

    • Longer time needed for proper recovery

    • Feeling of breathlessness

    • Reduction in blood flow, which can lead to feelings of dizziness or light headedness

    • Increase in perceived pain

    • Bad mood

    • Sleep issues

    • Weight gain

    • Disease

    • Chronic stress

Great… what can we do?


Learn to work with your body.